Life continues per normal here in the Northeast of Thailand, in the Southeast of Asia. Visa runs made, highway(patrol)men bribed, classes taught. In truth, I have found myself back on a bit of a teaching high with several decent classes to thank. One private student I am teaching is about to go to America where he will work on his doctoral dissertation on...(I kid you not)
Health in the Transgendered Community. Interesting stuff indeed. The other class I am liking is a group of high school students, all of whom are going to do a year abroad in America starting quite soon. I am getting them up to speed on American History. The satisfying part in both of these classes is the knowledge that I may, in fact, be preparing people to actually do something with English. One of my biggest frustrations in Japan was that I spent a great amount of time teaching bored housewives and retirees. Nothing against them, but I couldn't see that I was doing anything of consequence. At times I felt little more than a talking harlot, pleasing people with my tongue...err...figuratively of course.