(Mis)Communication is leaving a lot of people out in the cold. They have some pretty big shoes to fill as they are taking on the most scandalous English outfit in Japan, if not the whole of Asia. It seems they are up to the challenge, however. G-String, as they will be known henceforth due to the fact they are already stringing along employees, has begun operations predicated on the insincere offer to in principle reemploy all Nova teachers who desire it. Anytime an organization sees fit to use terms like in principle you can bet your bottom dollar they are hedging. Sure enough it's the principle here that rubs. G-String is only intending to reopen a limited number or schools so it has contacted those desirous of employment in areas where there is a school pegged to soon open. As for former employees elsewhere, don't call us we'll call you. What's doubly deceiving is that G-String gave the impression both implicitly and explicitly that it would pay teachers to wait at home. On a request for employment form that many of us filled out it stated that in the event a school was not opened in our area we would be paid to wait at home. In all fairness, nowhere on the form did it set a date for employment though we were invited to write one in. There was also mention of the fact that G-String would be closing their accounting books on the 20th of November in order that we would be paid on the 1st of December. This followed an announcement that no financial assistance would be given. Clearly the implication was that we would be paid for some of November prior to the 20th (though how much was never stated) as we would not be receiving any loans or signing bonuses. So let's retrace our footsteps. G-String stated outright that it would reemploy all those who desired it and explicitly said that people would be paid to wait at home. In addition, there was the implicit impression that we would receive some payment for November prior to the 20th - why else bother to mention the exceptional accounting practice for November only. In reality, G-String has not contacted people in areas where branches are not slated to open leaving them to wait unpaid until a branch opens. G-String has contacted people near opening branches, but will not be paying them (with the exception of a handful who will receive several days wages) for waiting at home prior to the 20th, meaning that the first substantial payment anyone might possibly receive will be in January. For those who haven't been counting that leaves most Nova teachers without income for three and a half months in the one of the most expensive countries in the world. G-String's miscommunication has further delayed people from claiming unemployment benefits and exacerbated an already bad situation. Thanks guys.
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