Saturday, June 05, 2004

Anyway, great stay in Kuala Lumpur at a very expensive hotel that was well worth it just for the view of the towers. We also had lunch at a rotating restaurant on the KL tower, so I got a good feel for the city and its layout. We took a plane for about one hour and a taxi for another to get us to a jetty from where it was another thirty minutes to the island. The journey was worth it for the isolation. It was probably the nicest place I've ever been in terms of well preserved beach/jungle and lack of people. However, we were reliant on the resort for all our meals and the food and service left something to be desired. The snorkeling was great. Coral lay at both ends of the half-moon shaped beach. It was the best snorkeling I've ever done and it was right off the beach - no boat necessary. Coming back we stayed at Khota Baru one night. It's a conservative Muslim city - everyone in full dress. Very interesting. I claimed I was Canadian at this point in my stay when questioned by a vendor sitting directly in front of a mosque, otherwise I said I was from the US and didn't get any special reactions. All and all another excellent trip that was much too short. The pics this time around weren't great, but definitely worth a glance. Just check out the picture link at right.

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