Sunday, January 16, 2005

My apologies to anyone who has been checking this and hoping for more consistent updates. The moving process has been a busy one and I still don't have a phone line, though now am moved into a rental house and in possession of a new automobile. I hope to get some pictures online soon, but as I am dependent on the internet cafe I'm not sure when that will be. It seems that I have also found a job at a small language school that looks quite interesting, but I'm not 100% on the conditions yet. They want to hire me full time for several months and then knock me down to part time, then full time again. Obviously this is not the ideal, so we are now 'negotiating'. I have agreed to teach one class a week for them in the interim, so we'll see. With the house and new car - Honda Jazz (compact hatchback) I feel like a regular member of the Thai middle class. I also dropped a small fortune on furniture, so I really hope that Khon Kaen works out. It seems fairly livable so far. We live in a quiet neighborhood with a bit too much trash on the ground, but otherwise nice. The city has lots of cheap eataries and a small lake in the center next too which the Thais engage in free aerobics classes - something we are supposedly going to take up. In any case, I do hope to get some pictures of the house and car online, so maybe sometime in the next several weeks. Till things get sorted on the internet at home I probably will post only sporadically. Later

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