Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Winding up to wind down and completely wound up. Well, it appears as if OT has utterly dried up in my company, as well as planning periods for those of us, like me, who are ostensibly in charge of the branches we work at. It might just be the ideal moment to jump off the Nova boat, if it weren't for the gadloads of money they throw at me for flapping my jaw - relative to teaching in Thailand of course. I think I've got everything pretty much cleared up minus a couple things to be sold, thrown out or given away. The social calendar is really starting to fill. In fact, I got a bit of a surprise visit from Molly Fitzpatrick the other day. She was returning from Southeast Asia where she was doing some work related to a travel agency she works for. Living at home in Keene, she was bemoaning life in the US a bit, which always makes me feel justified in my choice not to return and take up my rightful place as an entry level insurance salesman, or junior department manager at Walmart. Plus, Molly assures me that all Americans are just as discontent as their televisions and print publications tell them they should be. Actually, now that I understand and can read Japanese, the very same thing could happen to me, so it must be the ideal moment to haul my ass out of here and to some place where three square is a worthy accomplishment.

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