Tuesday, December 07, 2004

This will be the second to last day I sit at home and wait for OT (tomorrow being the last). The end is truly in sight now. I have eleven days left and almost as many drinking engagements. I feel a lot more relaxed now that I have got everything, almost, out of the way. One thing about leaving a place is the interminable goodbye parties that go on. I now realize it is impossible to both be a good friend and not get roped into more of this farewell shindigs than my liver and wallet can really afford. Certainly I want to say my goodbyes, but it is funny the people that you weren't really great friends with that crawl out of the woodwork and want multiple get-togethers right before you go. I shouldn't complain about having friends, on the other hand when I get to Thailand I'm looking forward to boring nights of sobriety... and maybe something else.

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