Thursday, June 09, 2005

I have received official word from Nova about my reemployment. They have officially and ambiguously stated that they are not hiring in Japan, but would consider extending me an interview. If you are confused by this, how do you think I feel? I am still trying to clarify what is meant by their response. There has been some speculation from people on the inside that the Japan based personnel offices don’t like hiring (may cut into their coffee breaks) and hence hang the “Beware of Dog” sign emblazoned with the image of a German Shepard, where in fact there is only a poodle on the property. A corroborating piece of evidence is the fact that they tried to pawn me off onto one of the overseas recruiting offices suggesting that might be a better option. Another ironic addition to the tale is that the attrition rate is running quite high and teachers are going unreplaced.

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