Wednesday, June 29, 2005

If like me you're concerned about the increasing population in the world then I don't need to tell you that by the year 2030 there will be another 2 billion people on earth. Now, I don't know where they are all going to go, but I have spent enough time in Japan to tell you that many people in one area makes for dour mugs on the early morning train commute and depressing scenes on the weekends when three hundred children vie for a stamp-sized piece of land calling itself a park. That's why I have gotten in early on a a piece of land in the depths of rural Thailand. Not only did I grab a whooping 1600 square meters, but you'll also notice the lack of neighbors. I plan to build a very big wall around the property and with whatever monies are left over I will construct a shelter of some sort. 2030 is about when I'll be thinking of retirement and I share the dream of all Gardners to live very far from thee neighbor. In the past Gardners have gone to such locales as Iceland, Greenland, New Hampshire and Montana to enjoy our special, misanthropic way of life, but urban sprawl and rich people from the cities building second houses have incurred on our lifestyle. Sadly, I think the Gardner way will succumb to the forces of globalization, but that won't stop my from participating in our centuries old tradition.

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